Monday, 2 November 2009

This image, is a double page spread from the rock/alternative music magazine Mojo.
The headline which reads "Two Nights in Bird Land" has both historical context and also fantastic contrast, the black on the yellow background stands out to the point that the reader is almost instantly drawn to the headline, while readers aware of musical history will be notice that the colours connote the legendary Factory Records. A company that started The Doves' career's when they were dance act Sub Sub.
The main image shows the band performing with numerous lights over the guitarist, while this shows the band's current activity, the mixture of the colours in the lighting also promotes the idea that the band are still in touch with their Sub Sub roots, a band which bled the late 80's 'MADchester' music scene ideas.
The top right of the spread shows extreme close up pictures of the band members in polaroid style. This shows that the band are not manufactured, as the pictures have not been airbrushed and subsequently show all of the 'flaws' such as wrinkles that the shallow music industry care so much about. Additionally, it also shows that the band have an attitude which suggests that they do not care how they are percieved, and care more about the success and sound of their music, and that they are satisfied with their sound rather than their image.
Furthermore, and only adding to their 'normal people' image, in the second block of text, the band are talking to the reporter, frequently using colloquial language, the use of 'slang' only further adds to the aforementioned image.
Separating the previously mentioned polaroid images, is a puff displaying a quotation that reads "If I don't create music, I'm nothing," the text is displayed in yellow text on a red background, again a massive contrast that clearly shows that the readers' eye is supposed to be drawn towards it.

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